GeniesDeal is ecommerce Platform which aims to provide deals on electronics and accessories at a discounted price than what is already being sold in the market. All items are authentic and come seal packed warranty as provided by the respective brand. GeniesDeal uses internal strategies to make the product at it’s most affordable cost.

GeniesDeal is a US(Delware) registered LLC. We Operate across the united states. As of this moment GeniesDeal is only operational within the united states, However, soon in future we plan to expand our presence in other countries as well.

After you place order with us, We will immediately process your order and get it ready for shipping at the earliest possibility. However, Sometimes and in most extreme cases, you allow us up to a maximum of 15 days to ship your Order. If we’re not able to ship your order within 15 days timeline, We’ll instantly initiate a refund. Please note, Refund requests for any pending orders before the required maximum timeline will not be granted since we queue up your orders almost immediately with our processing team. We strongly suggest you to make an aware and final buying decision. Thankyou for your understanding.

Great, Any item which is currently not having a specific deal listed on the genies deal website can still be delivered( depending on its market availability). If you have any items of interest please contact us over chat plugin or email, and we will reply back with a potential deal within hours.

We Accept all major VISA/Mastercard/Discover/Amex debit/credit cards issued by authorized US Bank/FI.

At Genies Deal, We find you deals that are no where else to be found. Upon successful redemption of any deal( aka after you place order with us as well as after you have received the item) Please note unless there’s legit issues with the item, return request will not be approved. Only in circumstances where item is defective, Damaged or does not fit the description, You have a 7 day window to report us of any such incident. We will open a ticket and investigate your case, You will be required to provide detailed information and proof along with other instructions of the order. After we approve your return request, you will receive further return instructions over email. We will re-ship your order as soon as we have received your return, Please note this process may take longer than usual time so we kindly request you to extend your patience while we work on your resolution. We strongly suggest to video record of unboxing of your item as soon as you have the package with you. This will make the process a lot faster. Also, Please note we’re unable to process any return/refund requests that come out of “change of mind”, “found better price” or any other such reason. By making a purchase on GeniesDeal webiste you acknowledge that your buying decision is final and you can not force Geniesdeal for any return or refund based on any such request.

Genies Deal try our best make every experience count as a good one. However, Perfection is a fallacy and in the most unfortunate event, If we’re unable to ship your order within 15 days after you have placed your order with us, you are requested to contact us over chat or email and we will help you with full refund. Please note we’re unable to process any refund requests that come out of “change of mind”, “found better price” or any other reason. By making a purchase on GeniesDeal webiste you acknowledge that your buying decision is final and you allow us a maximum of 15 days to ship your order. Please note 15 days is maximum shipping window and not necessarily a usual shipping window. For information please read our privacy policy.

We’ll add more FAQ’s over time to address general enquiries with time. Feel free to suggest any correction, ask for any questions or deals. Thankyou for your visit.

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